- Born: 10 Feb 1848, Kawau Island, Auckland, New Zealand
- Marriage: Helen Ellen BROWN on 2 Dec 1869 in Thames, Coromandel, New Zealand
- Died: 15 Jul 1888, Thames, Coromandel, New Zealand aged 40
- Buried: 17 Jul 1888, Thames, Coromandel, New Zealand
- Cause of his death was Phthisis.
Noted events in his life were:
• He worked as a Miner on 24 Nov
1875 in Thames, Coromandel, New Zealand.
• Misc Event: Acted as a Honorary
Lieutenant in the Queens Birthday Parade, on 24 May 1877, in Thames, Coromandel,
Volunteer review. (BY OtJB OWN EErOMEB.)
The anniversary of Her Majesty's Birthday on tho Thames Goldfield was celebrated
yesterday in a manner which has not been eclipsed for several years past. The
weather, which in the early morning appeared dubious, turned out after sunrise
to be all that could be desired; in fact, what Londoners term "Queen's weather."
The variouß independent corps fell in, and were mustered at their respective
private parades at 9 o'clock.
THEVOLUNTEEIf PARADE. The different companies
formed up in quarter column by the left, opposite the Pacific Hotel,
Grahamstown, the parade standing as follows: -Thames Scattish Captain Murray,
Lieutenants Dey and Johnson, 4 sergeants, 40 rank and file, and 15 band-total,
62. No. 2 Hauraki Bifles, under Captain Paul, Lieutenants Small and Denby, with
4 sergeants, 42 rank and file, and 15 band'97total, 64. Thames Eifle Bangers,
under Captain McKoberts, Lieutenants Carnio and Young, 2 sergeants, and 25 rank
and file '97total, 30. No. 3 Hauraki Bifles, under Captain Macdonald and
Lieutenant Gale, 3 sergeants, 25 rank and file'97total, 30. Native .Volunteers,
under Captain Taipari, Lieutenants Eaika and MatiuPoona, 2 sergeants.and 35 rank
and filo'97total, 40. Engineer Cadets, under Honorary Lieutenants Philp and
Frearson, 2 sergeants, and 25 rank and file'97total, 29. Scottish Cadets, under
Captain Mennie and Honorary Lieutenant Rowe, 2 sergeants, and 30 rank and
file-total, 34. The Naval Brigade was drawn up in rear of the column, under
command of .Captain Best, Lieutenants Dalton and Bennett, with their two gun
detachments of field howitzers and the band, numbering in all about 56 of all
• He appeared on the Thames
electorial role in 1881 in Thames, Coromandel, New Zealand. Freehold
1/8 Acre
• He worked as a Miner in 1881 in
Thames, Coromandel, New Zealand.
William married Helen Ellen BROWN,
daughter of Thomas BROWN and Janet MACLAREN, on 2 Dec 1869 in Thames,
Coromandel, New Zealand. (Helen Ellen BROWN was born circa 1850, died on 23 Oct
1879 in Coromandel, New Zealand and was buried on 24 Oct 1879 in Thames,
Coromandel, New Zealand.)